

Alme, L.M., Sontakki, B.S., and Rao, K.H., (2012),”Trainers’ Profile and Training Management in Selected Agricultural Training Organizations in Hyderabad, India” SAARC journal of Agriculture, 10(2):155-163.

Babu, D., Kumar, Ranjit, and Chaturvedi, Tarnanna, (2012),”Market Identification Process for Agricultural Exports in India: A Case Study of Cashewnuts” Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 26(3): 200-209.

Chellapan, Anulekshmi, Sontakki, Bharat, S., and Ahire, Laxman, M.,(2012),”Prospectus 0£ Organic Aquaculture in India” Kurukshetra-A Journal on Rural Development, 60 (8): 42-43.

Kumar, Amit, Kumar, Ranjit, and Rao, K.H., (2012),”Enabling Efficient Supply Chain in Dairying using GIS: A Case of Private Dairy Industry in Andhra Pradesh State” Indian journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (3): 395-404.

Kumar, Ranjit, Alam, Khurshid , Krishna, Vijesh V, and Srinivas, K.,(2012),”Value Chain Analysis of Maize Seed Delivery System in Public and Private Sectors in Bihar” Agricultural Economics Research Review, 25: 387-398.

Kalpana Sastry, R., Shrivastava, Anshul, and Rao, N.H., (2012),” Nanotechnology in food processing sector-An assessment of emerging trends” [ournal of Food Science and Technology];. Inline Pubication, Springer, 11 Oct 2012. DOI 10.1007/s13197 012-0873-y.

Kumar, Amit, Kumar, Ranjit and Rao, K.H., (2012),”Enabling EfficientSupply Chain in DairyingusingGIS: A Case of Private Dairy Industry in Andhra Pradesh State” Indian journal of Agricultural Economics, 67(3):395-404.

Manikandan, P., (2012), Creation of demand for millet foods-A Case Study of Successful Change Management of an Innovation Project. Advances in Management, 5(9): 41-49.

Meti, C.B., Sontakki, B.S., and Ahire, L.M.,(2012),”Dairyin Indian Agriculture” Kisan World 39 (7): 19-22.

Meti, CB., Sontakki, B.S., and Ahire, L.M., (2012),”Performance of Kisan Call Centres” Kuruksheira -A [journal on Rural Development 61(1):36-38.]

Meti, CB., Son takki, B.S.,and Ahire, L.M., (2012),”Assessment of Training Needs of Teachers of University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, Mysore “Journal of Agricultural Sciences 46 (4): 896-901.

Murthy, M.R.K., Reddy, G.P., and Rao, K.H., (2012),”Estimating Market Efficiency and Price Mechanism in Retailing of Fresh Vegetables in Andhra Pradesh” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1(11): 1-19.

Rana, Avtar Singh, Reddy, G.P., and Sontakki, B.S.,(2013),”Perceived Service Quality of Agricultural Organizations: Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector” lniernatianal ]oumnl of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2 (1): 286-295.

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