Agri Business Incubator of NAARM (NAARM-ABI)
NAARM has been recently entrusted with the responsibility from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under its National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) to support about 27 Agri-business Incubators, mostly to its own institutions except ICRISAT.ICAR-NAARM has been the nodal agency to draft the guidelines for selection and implementation of ABIs. These ABIs were granted on competitive Programme mode. NAARM has been involved in evaluating the ABIs proposals 27 were shortlisted. NAARM along with ICRISAT is now entrusted for capacity building and handholding of these 27 ABIs which are in function since Dec 2015. a-IDEA & NAARM have jointly developed the proposal for an ABI under NAIF fund of ICAR for establishment of ABI at NAARM (out of the 27 ABI’s of ICAR, 1 ABI has been allotted to NAARM which is NAARM-ABI.
NAARM as a Clearing House under NAIF (National Agricultural Innovation Fund).
Grant of NAIF XII plan scheme, Intellectual property and Technology management renamed as National Agricultural Innovation Fund (NAIF) has identified National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) for the following…
- Training, Capacity Building and other facilitation required for advancing the objectives of innovation fund and incubation fund and otherwise for the XII plan scheme
- IPR- related research and developing a clearing house and facilitation center
- Helping any ICAR institute/ agricultural University that is not able to get desired level of support for any important requirements
- Further settling the PME cells in ICAR institutes;
- Developing a mechanism for nurturing and supporting grass root innovations
- NAARM Hyderabad shall provide hand holding support to the agri-business incubators by inter-alia developing modules, guidelines and other forms of learning material for capacity building and create a mechanism for facilitation scientific and technical cooperation through information exchange on IP management and technology commercialization in the network of created agri-business Incubators. It shall also provide need based support and guidance for monitoring of IP rights and license agreements, Negotiation skills in ICAR/ NARS staff, Business process analyses and valuation and pricing for harnessing the commercial potential of technology.
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