
Business Planning and Development (BPD)

Business Planning and Development (BPD) units were established in 22 institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) including that of National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad with the financial support of World Bank funded National Agricultural Innovative Project (NAIP). The basic purpose of BPD- NAARM is to catalyze and accelerate institutionalization of innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship across NARS. The main aim of BPD-NAARM is to develop a one stop window for promoting technology management and entrepreneurship among stakeholders in the Agri value chain. Few of the clients rendered during BPD are as below:

Client/Services Rendered Details of Services rendered
  1. Dia Vikas Capital, Gurgaon (Entrepreneurship Development)Technology seeker- Dia Vikas Capital, Gurgaon Technology Provider – KVK-NDRI, Karnal Facilitator- BPD-NAARM


This project is structured in three phases. The first phase is providing Hands-on training to 22 identified farmers from Jhansi on silage producing technology based on Maize. The next phase is to catalyze setting up community based dairy farm for 300 families at Jhansi using an identified trainer from trained 22 famers. The on-site training will then be culminated in third phase for establishment of silage production technology with the partner, Dia Vikas. First phase has been completed through Farmers training on silage production technology held in KVK-NDRI on 23rd -24th January, 2014.

2. NexFarm Pvt. Ltd
Service Seeker -NexFarm Pvt. Ltd Service Provider- BPD-NAARM

Provided services to the client, NexFarm Pvt Ltd on the scenario analysis on Potato (production and farming practices) and farming practices for Cotton, Cassava, Egg Plant, Tea, Coffee, Sugarcane and Onion. Based on these reports, client is planning for investing in bioagent production enterprise.

3. Ms. Mallaiah Sweets for traditional sweet products- (Entrepreneurship Development)
Service Seeker-M/s Mallaiah Sweets>Service Provider- BPD-NAARMsweets

Technical assistance in improving the packaging of traditional sweet products of client. This product has been filled for GI Facilitated Shelf life study of traditional sweets in association with DFRL, Mysore. Study is in progress. Marketing and sales supports through creating a linkage in Hyderabad. Total sales generated: Rs. 40000. Branding and sales expansion being planned through link up with various players like Southern Travels etc.

4. NAIP-VCND (College of Home Science, ANGRAU) to Vegetable hand block Kalamkari printers welfare association (Technology Commercialization)
Technology seeker- Vegetable hand block Kalamkari printers welfare association, Pedana, MachilipatnamTechnology Provider – National Agricultural Innovation Project- Value chain in Natural Dyes (NAIP-VCND) College of Home Science, ANGRAU Facilitator – BPD-NAARM
  • Facilitated the technology commercialization and supported in the training of artisans on the usage of the transferred technology
  • Block printing technique training organized by technology provider on the site


5. Consultancy services to CCMB for patent filing of invention under NAIP project
(IP services)
Service Seeker- Centre for cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB)
Service Provider- BPD-NAARM
Prior art search report for an innovation “P. monodon Histone 3 promoter driven antisense constructs of WSSV ORFs (VP24 and VP28) as protection treatment against WSSV infection” under NAIP Project (Component IV); Inventors: CCMB, CIFE (ICAR), State Dept. (Fisheries), AP.Application Number: 903/ CHE/ 2014 dated 24/02/2014
6. NAARM (IP services)
Service Seeker- NAARM
Service Provider- BPD-NAARM
  • Copyright filing: Title: GIS Based Decision Support System for Recommending Retail outlet Locations”; Work: Literary work – software; Diary No.: 42799/2014-CO/SW: Dated: Feb 18, 2014; Applicant: NAARM.
  • Copyright filing for “Training management Information system” of NAARM; work: Literary work- software Diary No: 45962/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
  • Copyright Filing for “Information system for AICRP” of NAARM; Work: Literary work-Software Diary No: 45964/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR).
  • Copyright filing for “E-learning Module on village transect: ….PRA TOOLS” Work: Literary work-Software, Diary No. : 45967/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
  • Trade Mark registration of NAARM Logo; Trademark Application number : 2630991; Filing date: 21st Nov 2013;Classes: 35, 41 and 42 ;Applicant: NAARM
  • Copyright filing for “Water quality decision support system (WQ-DSS)” Work: Literary work- Software, Diary No. : 45968/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
7. (Technology Commercialization)Service Seeker- Directorate of Oilseeds Research and Ganga –Kaveri Seeds Pvt. Ltd.Service Provider-BPD-NAARM
  • Copyright filing: Title: GIS Based Decision Support System for Recommending Retail outlet Locations”; Work: Literary work – software; Diary No.: 42799/2014-CO/SW: Dated: Feb 18, 2014; Applicant: NAARM.
  • Copyright filing for “Training management Information system” of NAARM; work: Literary work- software Diary No: 45962/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
  • Copyright Filing for “Information system for AICRP” of NAARM; Work: Literary work-Software Diary No: 45964/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR).
  • Copyright filing for “E-learning Module on village transect: ….PRA TOOLS” Work: Literary work-Software, Diary No. : 45967/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
  • Trade Mark registration of NAARM Logo; Trademark Application number : 2630991; Filing date: 21st Nov 2013;Classes: 35, 41 and 42 ;Applicant: NAARM
  • Copyright filing for “Water quality decision support system (WQ-DSS)” Work: Literary work- Software, Diary No. : 45968/2014-CO/L: Dated: April 02, 2014, Applicant: NAARM (ICAR)
8. Service Seeker- Directorate of Rice Research ( DRR)Service Provider- BPD-NAARM Facilitating the Commercialization of Rice bran based health products.
9. (IP services) Service Seeker- Palle Srujana
Service Provider- BPD-NAARM
Facilitated an innovator in applying for Mahindra Samriddhi Agri Awards 2014. Patent filling for “Novel Gas Based Oven” for Baking, cooking and grilling purposes “Application Number: 2132/CHE/2014, Dated: April 28, 2014
10. Service Seeker- Neelima Horticultures dealing with Bonsai Trees

Service Provider- BPD-NAARM

Incubation Facilities- Land for Bonsai Nursery with Basic amenities, Training Machinery of NAARM and other market services with business linkages.

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