
Centre for Agri Innovation (CAI)

The Centre for Agri-Innovation, a division of ICAR-NAARM at Hyderabad is a center of excellence which has hosted many initiatives related to agricultural research management. The Centre for Agri-innovation (CAI) at NAARM has created a gamut of opportunities to the entrepreneurs through various initiatives in the past such as Agribusiness Knowledge Centers (AKC), Business Planning & Development Unit (BPD) and currently hosting three initiatives a-IDEA, technology Business Incubator (a-IDEA, NAARM-TBI) with support from DST followed by Agri Business Incubator (NAARM-ABI) with support from ICAR and Grass Root Innovations (NAARM-GRI) supported by ICAR. Centre for Agri Innovation- Journey so far…

For more details please visit www.aidea.naarm.org.in

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