Dr. Mude Ramesh Naik
Ph.D. (Agronomy)
Contact Address
Research Systems Management Division, ICAR-NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500030 Phone (Office): 040-24581291, 9432579163
Email Address: ramesh.naik@naarm.org.in
Work Experience
Dr. Mude Ramesh Naik belongs to 97th FOCARS batch of ARS. He is specialized in Agronomy. He began his career as scientist (trainee) at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad and later on, served as scientist at ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR-CRIJAF), Barrackpore, Kolkata from 2012 to 2019. During his service at ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, he has undertaken research study was on screen out the tolerance varieties of jute (Corchorus Capsularis and Corchorus Olitorius) against salinity stress. He has been serving as scientist (S.S) in Research Systems Management Division, ICAR-NAARM, since November, 2019.
Areas of Interest:
Areas of Interest
Nutrient Management, Resource conservation technologies, organic farming and weed management.
Recent Publications:
Research Papers
Ramesh Naik, M., Mukesh Kumar, Barman, D., Meena, P.N., Anil Kumar, A. and Kundu, D.K. (2015). In vitro screening of white Jute (Corchorus capsularis L) against salinity stress. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7 (1): 344-347.
Ramesh Naik, M., Sammi Reddy, K. and Srinivas B. (2015). Effects of polymer application on leaching of niotrogen in sandyloam and sandy clay loam soils. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 21: S75-S79.
Ramesh Naik, M., Barman, D., Maruthi, R.T., Mandal, U. K. and Kundu, D.K. (2015). Screening of tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius) varieties against salt stress. The Ecoscan, 9(3 & 4):815-819.
Ramesh Naik, M., Amarpreet Singh, Kundu, D.K., Mukesh Kumar, Barman, D. and Maruthi R.T. (2015). Effect of salt stress on germination and seedling growth of jute (Corchorus olitorius). Bioinfolet, 12 (1B):166-167.
Ramesh Naik M, Barman, D., Maruthi, R.T., Babu, V.R., Mandal, U.K. and Kundu, D.K. 2019. Assessment of salinity tolerance based upon morpho-physiological attributes in white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.). Journal of Environmental Biology. 40: 377-383.
Ramesh Naik M, Hemalatha, S., Pratap Kumar Reddy, A., Naga Madhuri, K.V. and Umamahesh, V. 2019. Need based nitrogen management on growth attributes of rabi maize (Zea mays L.) using leaf colour chart under varied plant density. International Journal of Chemical Studies.7 (3): 2591-2596.
Ramesh Naik M, Hemalatha, S., Pratap Kumar Reddy, A., Naga Madhuri, K.V. and Umamahesh, V. 2019. Calibrating leaf colour chart for nitrogen management in Rabi maize (Zea mays L.) under varied plant density. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3): 4360-4364.
Mukesh Kumar, Ghorai, A.K., Ramesh Naik, M., Kundu, D.K. and Mitra, S. (2015). Use of post-emergence herbicides to control weeds in ramie plantation. Indian Journal of Weed Science 47(4): 434–437.
Mukesh Kumar, Kundu, D.K., Ghorai, A.K., Sonali, P., Mazumdar and Ramesh Naik, M. (2015). Weed density and diversity in jute under long-term experiment in jute-rice-wheat cropping system. Indian Journal of Weed Science 47(1): 16–20.
Book Chapters:
Ramesh Naik M. and Hemalatha S. (2019). GLIMPSES OF AGRONOMY and AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES for Agricultural Competitive Exams by. Published by Sharma Publishers and Distributors.
Popular Articles:
Ramesh Naik, M., Amarpreet Singh, Kundu, D.K., De, R.K. and Amit Bera (2014). Scientific cultivation of jute for higher seed productivity. Agri Gold Swarna Sedyam. July, 43-45.
Ramesh Naik, M., Barman, D., Mandal, U.K., Maruthi, R.T, Mukesh Kumar, Kundu, D.K. and Amarpreet Singh. (2014) Performance of jute (Corchorus olitorius L. & C. capsularis L.) under salt affected soils. Jaf News. 12(2): 27.
Ramesh Naik., M, Babu, V.R., Bera, A and Kundu, D.K. (2015). Sastreya paddati lo janmu vittanotpatti. (Scientific cultivation of jute seed production). (Published in Telugu). Vyavasayam, December issue: 26-28.
Ramesh Naik, M., Mukesh Kumar, Amarpreet Singh, Kundu, D.K. and Barman, D. (2014). Sathai pasal utpadan ke liye nirdarit urvakon ka paryog. (Published in Hindi). Resha Kiran. 1:18-20.
Ramesh Naik, M., Hemalatha, S., Karuna Sagar, G and Prabhakar Reddy G. (2019) Management of Fall Armyworm(FAW) in Maize. Indian Farmers’ Digest. 52 (12) 17-19.