1.7 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the public Authority [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]
The particulars of arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the pubic in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof under Rule Sec.4(b)(vii):
1.7.1 Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc.
- Quinquennial Review Team (External, appointed by ICAR)
- Research Advisory Committee (External, appointed by ICAR)
- Institute Management Committee ((External, appointed by ICAR)
- Institute Research Council (Internal)
- Board of Studies (Internal)
- Higher Education Committee (Internal)
1.7.2 Composition
QRT is constituted for every five years by ICAR to review the activities of the Academy. The guidelines and composition of the committee is given in Annexure-I
As per ICAR By-laws
Director is the chairman of the committee and Joint Director (A&R) is member secretary. The members of the committee include experts and 2 farmer’s representative. The committee is constituted by the ICAR.
Director is the chairman of IRC and all scientific staff members are members and one scientist is designated as Member (Secretary)
Director is the chairman of BoS and selected scientific staff are members and Officer Incharge, PG Cell is Member Secretary
Director is the chairman and Joint Director, JDAR, Heads of Divisions are members; Officer Incharge, PG Cell is member secretary.
1.7.3 Dates from which constituted
QRT – July 26, 2018
RAC – May 18, 2020
IMC – Sept 5, 2016
IRC/BoS/HEC – are continuous in nature and members are changed as per the requirement . Latest committee constituted on March 17, 2020
1.7.4 Term / Tenure
QRT – Once in 5 years and asked to submit their report within 6 months of constitution.
RAC – 3 years from the constitution
IMC – 3 years from the constitution
IRC/BoS/HEC – are continuous in nature
1.7.5 Powers and functions
The powers and functions of the Research Advisory Committee shall include: (i) to suggest research programmes based on national and global context of research in the thrust areas. (ii) to review the research achievements of the Institute and to see that these are consistent with the mandate of the Institute, and (iii) any other function that may be specifically assigned by the Director-General, ICAR.
The powers and functions of the Research Advisory Committee are as follows :
- to suggest research programmes based on national and global context of research in the thrust areas.
- to review the research achievements of the Institute and to see that these are consistent with the mandate of the Institute, and
- any other function that may be specifically assigned by the Director-General, ICAR.
The powers and functions of the Management Committee are as follows :-
- consideration of proposals for Five Year Plan and Annual Plan, ii) periodical review of progress of development schemes.
- consideration of proposal for the annual budget.
- consideration of items of expenditure which are beyond the powers of the Director of the Institute.
- policy issues relating to the Institute, including the rights and obligations of staff,
- consideration of action taken on the recommendations of the Grievance Cell and
- Institute Joint Council.
- any other items, as may be desired by the Director or other members of the
- Committee or as may be required to be considered as per delegation of powers as directions of the Governing Body whether contained in any manual, orders issued, resolution passed, or other instructions approved by the Governing Body, and
- such powers as may be delegated by the Governing Body to enable the
- Management Committees to administer the funds allocated and the programmes approved.
RAC has two persons representing agricultural/rural interests on the Management Committee of the Institute in terms of Rule 66(a)(5) for the period of their membership of the Management Committee, who take active part in the deliberations and decisions of these Committees.
Institute Research Council – All the scientific staff are members
The powers and functions of the Institute Research Council earlier known as Staff Research Council are as follows : –
- consideration and evaluation of the Research Projects (RPF 1). The Principal Investigator will make representation of the Research Project to the SRC. The SRC will reject/recommend the Research Project along with its duration,
- consideration and evaluation of the on-going Projects (RPF II Annual Research
- Progress Reports),after these have been assessed by an expert. The SRC will make specific recommendations about the achievements and short-comings of the
- projects,
- Advise on the fostering of linkages between the groups/Divisions/Institutes in respect of multi-disciplinary Projects/multi-locational Projects,
- monitor the follow up action on the recommendations of QRTS with respect to
- technical programmes of the Institute
The Boad of Studies will be responsible for overseeing the curriculum design, implementation and evaluation of the PGDM (Agriculture), PGDTMA, PGDETM and any other job assigned by director.
1. Strategy and overview of the Post-Graduate Education Programmes of the Academy.
2. Recommending selection of consultants / experts of developing / offering programme modules and their compensation packages.
3. Developing / revising the course curriculum
4. Any other responsibility concerning the higher education.
1.7.6 Whether their meetings are open to the public?
1.7.7 Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?
1.7.8 Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?
Not applicable
Date of Last Update: 15-April-2024