Tenders Archive

Date Tender No Tender Description Bidding/Document / Technical Specifications Remarks
2018/02/28 5-513/17-18/PS e-tender Notice for – Up-gradation of Cyberoam UTM firewall CR 300ING to SOPHOS XG310 NAARM with three years subscription Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bid submission start date on 01-03-2018 1100hrs.
Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs.
Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs
2018/02/27 5-516/17-18/PS Tender for Pruning of Trees at ICAR-NAARM Campus, Hyderabad Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bid submission start date on 27-02-2018 1400hrs.
Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs.
Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs
2018/02/27 5-517/17-18/PS Tender for Cleaning of Shrubs, Bushes, Eradication of Unwanted vegetation / Weeds, Leveling of the Site & Lifting the Cleaned Materials from the Site at ICAR-NAARM Campus, Hyderabad  Tender Document
Financial Bid
 Bid submission start date on 27-02-2018 1400hrs.
Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs.
Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs
 2018/02/23  5-514/17-18/PS  Inviting Tender for Establishing Gallery at NAARM Tender Document
Financial Bid
 Bid submission start date on 23-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 09-03-2018 1400hrs
 2018/02/21  5-49/17-158/PS  Tender for Supply of Big Size Cement Square Pots with Soil Mixture, Painting and Writing of ICAR – NAARM & CLEAN AND GREEN (on Both Sides) with Flowering/Ornamental Plants with Installation of Drip System and Suppy of Plastic Plant port with Bottom Tray Tender Document
Financial Bid
 Bid submission start date on 21-02-2018 1400hrs.
Bid submission Closing date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs.
Bid Opening Date on 09-03-2018 1400hrs
 2018/02/17  5-467/17-18 PS Tender for Providing Services on Contractual Basis to Undertake Various Nature of Work at the Academy Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bid submission start date on 17-02-2018 1800hrs.
Bid submission Closing date on 07-03-2018 1400hrs.
Bid Opening Date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs
 2018/02/05  5-287/17-18 PS (02)  Tender Document for Empanelment of Vendors Towards Supply of Books to Library of ICAR – NAARM Tender Document
Financial Bid
 Bid submission start date 06-02-2018 1600hrs.
Bid submission end date 07-03-2018 1400hrs.
Date for opening of Technical Bids 08-03-2018 1400hrs
2018/01/04 5-339/17-18/S&P Tender for Supply Of Led Lights On Annual Rate Contract Basis
Tender Document
Financial Bid

Tender Document Corrigendum
Financial Bid Corrigendum
Bid submission start date 04-01-2018 1600hrs.
Bid submission closing date 08-02-2018 1400hrs.
Bid opening date 09-02-2018 1400hrs
2018/01/02 5-287/16-17/PS(02) Tender Document for Foreign/Indian Journals Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bid Submission Start Date 02-01-2018 1300hrs
Bid Submission Closing Date 20-01-2018 1400hrs
2018/01/03 5-339/17-18/S&P Tender for Supply of Plumbing & Carpentry Items On Annual Rate Contract Basis Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bid submission start date 04-01-2018 1100hrs.
Bid submission closing date 23-01-2018 1400hrs.
2017/12/22 5-35/15-16/PS Tender for Supply of Medicines on Annual Rate Contract Tender Document
Financial Bid
Bit Submission Start date is 23-12-2017 from 1100 hrs
Bit Submission Closing date is 12-01-2018 on or before 1400 hrs
Bit Opening date is 15-01-2018 at 1100 hrs
2017/12/04 5-339/17-18/S&P Tender for Supply of Plumbing & Carpentry Items On Annual Rate Contract Basis Tender Document
Financial Bid
The Document download date is 4-12-2017 at 1200 hrs
Last date for Submission of the Tender is 22-12-2017 on or before 1400 hrs
2017/11/20 5-451/17-18/PS TENDER INVITATION for HouseKeeping Including Sanitation of Office Buildings and Cleaning of Roads and Pavements on Job Contract Basis at NAARM Tender Document
Financial Bid

Proceeding of the Pre-Bid Meeting

Evaluation of Technical Bid
Last date for Submission of the Tender is 08-12-2017 on or before 02.00 p.m
The Bids will be opened on 11-12-2017 at 02.00 p.m
A pre-bid Meeting will be held on 30-11-2017 at 11:00 a.m
2017/11/17 5-362/17-18/PS Notice Inviting Quotations For Annual Maintance Contract For Fogging To Control Mosquitoes In The Campus Tender Document
Financial Bid
Last Date For Receipt Of Quotations On Or Before 11th December,2017
2017/04/28 5-167/11-12/S & P/ Open Auction of Fruit Crops Auction Document
OPEN AUCTION on fruit crops will be held on 03-05-2017 at 14:00 hrs

Financial Bid

Last date for issue/Downloading of Tender documents will be up to 15/05/2017 at 1600 hrs and filled in tenders would be accepted up to 17/05/2017 at 1400 hrs.
2017/04/17 5-195/16-17/PS(03) Tender Enquiry for Supply of Electrical Consumables in TWO Bid System on Annual Rate Contract Tender Document

Financial Bid
Last date for issue/Downloading of Tender documents will be up to 08-05-2017 at 1600 hrs and filled in tenders would be accepted up to 09-05-2017 at 14:00 hrs.
Year 2025-2024Year 2024-2023 Year 2023-2022 Year 2022-2021 Year 2021-2020 Year 2020-2019 Year 2019-2018 Year 2017-2016

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