Tenders Archive
Date | Tender No | Tender Description | Bidding/Document / Technical Specifications | Remarks |
2018/02/28 | 5-513/17-18/PS | e-tender Notice for – Up-gradation of Cyberoam UTM firewall CR 300ING to SOPHOS XG310 NAARM with three years subscription | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 01-03-2018 1100hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/27 | 5-516/17-18/PS | Tender for Pruning of Trees at ICAR-NAARM Campus, Hyderabad | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 27-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/27 | 5-517/17-18/PS | Tender for Cleaning of Shrubs, Bushes, Eradication of Unwanted vegetation / Weeds, Leveling of the Site & Lifting the Cleaned Materials from the Site at ICAR-NAARM Campus, Hyderabad | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 27-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 12-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 13-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/23 | 5-514/17-18/PS | Inviting Tender for Establishing Gallery at NAARM | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 23-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 09-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/21 | 5-49/17-158/PS | Tender for Supply of Big Size Cement Square Pots with Soil Mixture, Painting and Writing of ICAR – NAARM & CLEAN AND GREEN (on Both Sides) with Flowering/Ornamental Plants with Installation of Drip System and Suppy of Plastic Plant port with Bottom Tray | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 21-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 09-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/17 | 5-467/17-18 PS | Tender for Providing Services on Contractual Basis to Undertake Various Nature of Work at the Academy | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date on 17-02-2018 1800hrs. Bid submission Closing date on 07-03-2018 1400hrs. Bid Opening Date on 08-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/02/05 | 5-287/17-18 PS (02) | Tender Document for Empanelment of Vendors Towards Supply of Books to Library of ICAR – NAARM | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date 06-02-2018 1600hrs. Bid submission end date 07-03-2018 1400hrs. Date for opening of Technical Bids 08-03-2018 1400hrs |
2018/01/04 | 5-339/17-18/S&P | Tender for Supply Of Led Lights On Annual Rate Contract Basis | Tender Document Financial Bid Tender Document Corrigendum Financial Bid Corrigendum |
Bid submission start date 04-01-2018 1600hrs. Bid submission closing date 08-02-2018 1400hrs. Bid opening date 09-02-2018 1400hrs |
2018/01/02 | 5-287/16-17/PS(02) | Tender Document for Foreign/Indian Journals | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid Submission Start Date 02-01-2018 1300hrs Bid Submission Closing Date 20-01-2018 1400hrs |
2018/01/03 | 5-339/17-18/S&P | Tender for Supply of Plumbing & Carpentry Items On Annual Rate Contract Basis | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bid submission start date 04-01-2018 1100hrs. Bid submission closing date 23-01-2018 1400hrs. |
2017/12/22 | 5-35/15-16/PS | Tender for Supply of Medicines on Annual Rate Contract | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Bit Submission Start date is 23-12-2017 from 1100 hrs Bit Submission Closing date is 12-01-2018 on or before 1400 hrs Bit Opening date is 15-01-2018 at 1100 hrs |
2017/12/04 | 5-339/17-18/S&P | Tender for Supply of Plumbing & Carpentry Items On Annual Rate Contract Basis | Tender Document Financial Bid |
The Document download date is 4-12-2017 at 1200 hrs Last date for Submission of the Tender is 22-12-2017 on or before 1400 hrs |
2017/11/20 | 5-451/17-18/PS | TENDER INVITATION for HouseKeeping Including Sanitation of Office Buildings and Cleaning of Roads and Pavements on Job Contract Basis at NAARM | Tender Document Financial Bid Proceeding of the Pre-Bid Meeting Evaluation of Technical Bid |
Last date for Submission of the Tender is 08-12-2017 on or before 02.00 p.m The Bids will be opened on 11-12-2017 at 02.00 p.m A pre-bid Meeting will be held on 30-11-2017 at 11:00 a.m |
2017/11/17 | 5-362/17-18/PS | Notice Inviting Quotations For Annual Maintance Contract For Fogging To Control Mosquitoes In The Campus | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Last Date For Receipt Of Quotations On Or Before 11th December,2017 |
2017/04/28 | 5-167/11-12/S & P/ | Open Auction of Fruit Crops | Auction Document |
OPEN AUCTION on fruit crops will be held on 03-05-2017 at 14:00 hrs |
Last date for issue/Downloading of Tender documents will be up to 15/05/2017 at 1600 hrs and filled in tenders would be accepted up to 17/05/2017 at 1400 hrs. |
2017/04/17 | 5-195/16-17/PS(03) | Tender Enquiry for Supply of Electrical Consumables in TWO Bid System on Annual Rate Contract | Tender Document Financial Bid |
Last date for issue/Downloading of Tender documents will be up to 08-05-2017 at 1600 hrs and filled in tenders would be accepted up to 09-05-2017 at 14:00 hrs. |