
Training Report on Analysis of Experimental Data

Training Report on “Analysis of Experimental Data” held during August 22-27, 2019

A training programme on “Analysis of Experimental Data” was held during 22-27 August, 2019. The objective of the training was to impart knowledge and use of statistical tools for analyzing data collected from various agricultural experiments by researchers in agriculture, animal and fisheries scientists. 23 participants belong to different states of the country. 12 participants from ICAR, 11 from SVVU, Andhra Pradesh participated in the programme. There were 19 male and 4 female participants. There were 11 scientists and technical personnel from ICAR and 11 faculty members from SVVU, Andhra Pradesh. The programme fee for ICAR participants was Rs.10870/- whereas it was Rs.20310 for participants from SAUs. Data analysis using SAS was performed to the participants using SAS Enterprise Guide (EG). The topics covered include Principle of Experiments for Conducting Research; Exploratory Data Analysis; Introduction to SAS and Data Management, Correlation, Regression and Diagnostics; Analysis of Experimental Data using Basic as well as advanced designs, Pooled analysis, Multivariate Data Analysis techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis, Cluster analysis, Probit analysis and other topics of interest. Emphasis was given to analysis of data using appropriate statistical techniques and interpretation of the results. Data from real-life studies and simulated data were utilized to explain various statistical techniques. Dr.S.Ravichandran, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NAARM and Dr.A.Dhandapani, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NAARM delivered series of lectures on various aspects of statistics with special applications to agriculture and veterinary sciences. Trainees were provided with necessary datasets to analyze by appropriate techniques they have learnt. Sufficient time was given to the participants to discuss specific issues/problems. The valedictory function was conducted on August 27, 2019, the last day of the programme wherein Joint Director addressed the participants and received the feedback from participants belonging to various institutions.

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