Programme Tile Training Progrramme on Budget Utilization Procedure
Course Directors Ms. Vijaya N and Mr. Khilji Z. H and Mr. Naga Venkateswara M.
Programme Details
EligibilityAll Officers belonging to Admn and Finance of ICAR Institutes
Course FeeRs 6000 +18% GST
Core Contents(i) Procedure for Budget estimates to its final approval by Parliament, (ii) Principles and practices of remittance from ICAR/MOF, (iii) Role of DARE in ICAR Finances, (iv) How to distinguish Capital and Revenue Expenditure, (v) Significance of EFC and its procedures for approval, (vi) What if some items are not approved in EFC but to be purchased on urgency?, (vii) Role of Institute committee(BUC) for effective utilisation of Budget, (viii) How to Resolve conflict in Admn/Finance in Budget utilisation