Programme Tile M D P on Intellectual Property Valuation and Technology Management
Course Directors Dr. Umesh Hudedamani
Programme Details
EligibilityScientists/Faculty Engaged in Agricultural Research/Education/Extension, Research Scholars, Members of ITMUs/ZTMUs /ABIs in the ICAR system and Managers of IP in private and MNCs
Course FeeRs.6000 Faculty, Scientists, Asst. Professors and above of ICAR/AUs/DUs/SAUs.Rs.3000 Students of the above institutions/Research Scholars in ITMU/ABI.Rs.7080* Faculty, Scientists, Asst.Professors and above belonging to Private Universities/Institutions.Rs. 3540* Students of the above institutions(who are at least having/studying Post Graduate Degree). Rs. 14160* for Industry/Corporate Sector.Rs.9440* Start-Ups/MSMEs/NGOs.No Fees-Scientists from ICAR headquarters.(* Inclusive of 18% GST)
Core ContentsTo raise the level of awareness and knowledge about IPR issues and the importance of integrating IP into academic and research plans. To develop an understanding of the valuation of technological assets and various aspects of technology commercialization. To gain knowledge about technology management at the organizational level.